“RoboCop (2014)” Drinks

Our long national nightmare is over as we finish the fourth and final RoboCop movie of the franchise! What? There’s made for TV movies and a cartoon? Don’t care; we’re dunzo. Shot: RoboCop’s Got a Brand New Suit, because RoboCop gets a brand new suit. It’s black. 3/4oz black sambucca; “float” Campari. (The Campari doesn’t really float- we tried.) Cocktail: RC Reboot, and since this … Continue reading “RoboCop (2014)” Drinks

“Ant-Man and the Wasp” Drinks

Back with another timely movie and our drink tie-ins! We may not be relevant but we are consistent. Shot: Wasp, our female protagonist pleasantly portrayed by the lovely Evangeline Lilly. Say that three times fast. 2/3oz honey liqueur, 1/3oz white creme de menthe Cocktail: Pym Particle, the MacGuffin that allows for the resizing of our heroes. Fill a highball glass with ice. Add 1.5oz Pimm’s, … Continue reading “Ant-Man and the Wasp” Drinks

“From Hell” Drinks

We kind of had to scramble for a movie this week, and Peacock had no input on the drinks, so if you don’t like them #BlameStork. Shot: Grapes, the delicacy Jack uses multiple times to lure unfortunates to their demise. 1/4oz Dubonnet Rouge, fill red wine Cocktail: Abberline Absinthe Cocktail, a take on the favorite libation of Johnny Depp’s character. In a small stemmed glass … Continue reading “From Hell” Drinks

“Teen Titans Go! To the Movies” Drinks

Surely they wouldn’t make up drinks for a kids movie? Shot: Starfire, our Tamaranean princess Titans member with the green eyes and propensity to put “the” in front of words. 3/4oz melon liqueur, top with 151 rum. Ignite, blow out, drink. Cocktail: Titans Go, Robin’s catchphrase to spur the team to action. Fill a double rocks glass with ice. 3oz gin, several dashes orange bitters. … Continue reading “Teen Titans Go! To the Movies” Drinks

“RoboCop 3” Drinks

Three movies down, one to go. We can do this. We can do this. (Help.) Shot: Flaming RoboCop, because at one point he’s on fire, literally, and yet it doesn’t burn his human face off. 3/4oz silver rum, float 151 rum. Ignite, pretend it’s the film, blow out, and drink. Cocktail: Delta City, OCP’s continuing plan for what they want Detroit to become. Third time’s … Continue reading “RoboCop 3” Drinks